Does Dental Insurance Cover Dental Veneers?

Deciding to improve your smile with dental veneers is a significant decision. It’s an investment in your self-confidence and overall health. However, the frequently asked question is, “Does any dental insurance cover veneers?” This question often results in hesitation and anxiety, making people delay or even forgo this beneficial dental procedure.

Let’s address this concern, providing you with an insightful understanding of what to expect from your dental insurance when it comes to veneer coverage.

What Are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are thin, tooth-colored shells made from porcelain or composite resin materials. These shells are designed to be bonded to the front of the teeth to improve their appearance. Typically applied to resolve dental issues like discolored and chipped teeth, they can create a healthier, brighter, perfect smile.

However, the type of veneer, be it a porcelain veneer or composite veneer, may depend on considerations such as the type of material used, dental health issues, and the dentist’s expertise.

When Does Dental Insurance Cover Veneers?

Medical Necessity

Insurance companies often construct dental insurance policies around an equilibrium between cosmetic and functional aspects. Insurers might cover your veneer procedure if they determine it as a medical necessity, a common example being using veneers as a restorative treatment to protect a deteriorating tooth. Under such situations, veneers serve more than an aesthetic purpose, thus falling in line with dental insurance plans’ conditions.

Restorative Dentistry

Restorative dentistry plays a significant role in whether your dental insurance provider will cover veneers. Should veneers be part of a restorative procedure in treating extensive enamel erosion, a dental insurance company might be inclined to provide coverage. The justification behind this is twofold—not only do the veneers add cosmetic value in such a situation, but they also perform a crucial functional role by protecting your weakened teeth, paralleling the dental insurance companies’ focus on oral health care.

Dental Insurance Plan Provisions

Some dental insurance plans offer veneer coverage under their restorative or major care guidelines. However, the specifics of your coverage depend heavily on your dental insurance policies and the type of insurance you have. Many insurance plans classify veneers under an advanced level of care, which might require a more comprehensive plan or additional premium. It’s important to thoroughly understand your policy to ensure you are getting the most out of your dental insurance benefits.

Network Dentist

Your choice of dentist can also influence the kind of coverage you may get for veneers. Often, dental offices have agreements with network insurance providers. Having your veneer procedure performed by a network dentist could open the door to additional coverage benefits. These arrangements are part of a broad network of dentists that insurance providers have established to increase the accessibility of dental treatments.

When Does Insurance Not Cover Veneers?

Cosmetic Veneers

If your motivation behind getting veneers is purely driven by aesthetics, such as wanting a smile makeover, insurance typically might not cover the cost. The underlying principle of most dental insurance policies is to support medical necessity rather than cosmetic desire for veneers. If the veneers do nothing to address a health concern and are intended to perfect the appearance of teeth, you are not likely to receive coverage.

Alternative Procedures

Your dental insurance provider might steer clear from covering a veneer treatment and instead push other dental treatments that are less costly. Insurance plans often navigate towards procedures with a better cost-benefit ratio, such as dental crowns or bonding. They might also suggest a cheaper alternative, like composite resin, as opposed to a porcelain veneer due to cost variations, making it essential for patients to be well-informed about possible treatment options in such scenarios.

Exclusion in Policy Documents

When understanding veneer coverage, checking your dental insurance coverage terms and policy documents is mandatory. The stipulated clauses, conditions, and existing exclusions around veneer coverage should be reviewed. Your dental insurance provider might exploit veneer coverage limitations, and being aware of these nuances can prevent any future issues with claiming coverage.

Certain Types of Veneers

Insurance policies may offer partial coverage depending on the type of veneer used. Certain insurance policies might cover the expense of composite resin veneers due to their lesser cost but exclude porcelain veneers, which are generally more expensive. Most policies will lay out what type of veneer is included under their coverage. Therefore, it’s worth taking the time to understand what’s included in your current dental plan.

Maximum Coverage Limit

The price of veneers can be significant. If the cost of the veneers surpasses your annual maximum coverage limit, your insurance provider may refuse to cover the expense. Insurance companies generally have set limits to prevent excessive claims. In the case of veneers, their high cost might exceed these limits or eat up a substantial chunk of your dental coverage budget.

What Can You Do If Your Insurance Doesn’t Cover Veneers?

  • Savings Plans. If your insurance doesn’t cover veneers, consider exploring dental savings plans. These are alternative options that could provide affordable rates for cosmetic dentistry procedures, including veneers. Offering benefits such as reduced rates for dental procedures and low monthly premium payments, these plans can be a viable alternative to traditional dental insurance.
  • Discount Plans. Numerous dental offices, particularly those offering cosmetic dentistry services, provide discount plans that can trim the cost of veneers. These plans often encompass many dental services, giving you access to discounted rates for major and basic care. In some cases, a discount plan could slice the price of veneers considerably, making this cosmetic procedure more budget-friendly.
  • Payment Plans. A variety of dental offices, from general to cosmetic dentist clinics, extend payment plans to their patients. Their flexible structure allows for the spreading of payments over an extended period, easing your financial burden. With some planning and savings, these monthly payment plans can transform your dreams of a perfect smile into a financial reality.
  • Financing Options. Catering to patients dealing with insurance shortfalls, various dental clinics offer financing options. Financial assistance packages, typically involving third-party financing options, can facilitate manageable monthly payments spread over time. The added benefit of these plans is that they enable immediate treatment, allowing you to begin your quest for veneers without delay.
  • Dental Schools. Dental schools present a cost-effective alternative. They frequently offer treatment options at prices markedly lower than average dental offices. Their procedures, ranging from routine cleanings to more elaborate ones, are usually carried out by students under the watchful supervision of experienced instructors, ensuring both quality and affordability.

How to Choose the Right Dental Insurance That Covers Veneers


Ensure you have a comprehensive understanding of what your current dentist offers and undertake thorough research on prospective dental insurance providers. Pose questions about their policy specifics, read customer testimonials, and dig deep into their policy details. This preparatory investigation enables you to evaluate different options realistically and to decide on an insurance policy that aligns seamlessly with your needs.

Consult With A Professional

Begin your process by speaking to a professional, preferably your current dentist, about your treatment. Professionals can provide you with accurate estimates of potential costs and a broad spectrum of treatment options. They can also give you insights on possible insurance coverage, guiding you to make an informed decision that factors in all relevant aspects.

Consider Your Oral Health Concerns

Take a close look at your oral health concerns and the overall condition of your teeth to determine the type of coverage you need and what you can afford. This involves a comprehensive examination of your teeth, gums, and bite alignment to reveal the broader picture of your oral health. By taking into account the current state of your teeth and your long-term oral health perspective, you can choose the appropriate insurance coverage that fits your needs and budget.

Look Beyond Cosmetic Dentistry

When choosing an insurance policy, aim to opt for dental plans that provide comprehensive coverage. While cosmetic dentistry might be your focus now, insurance should ideally cover a wide array of procedures, from preventive to extensive procedures. By doing so, you will ensure that all potential future dental treatments, both essential and cosmetic, can be covered by your insurance plan, bringing immense relief and financial reprieve.

Check Network Providers

Remember to check whether your preferred dentist is a part of the insurance provider’s network of dentists. As mentioned above, treatments received from a network dentist often carry the perk of increased chances of coverage. This not only ensures you receive dental treatment from a trusted professional but also maximizes the benefits possessed by your dental insurance.

Start Your Journey to a Brighter Smile at Casey Dental Today

Insurance coverage for dental veneers largely depends on the specific provisions of your policy and whether the procedure is deemed medically necessary or purely cosmetic. To fully understand your coverage, it’s crucial to consult with your dental provider and review your insurance policy thoroughly.

Casey Dental offers top-notch dental services and works with different insurance policies, ensuring you get the high-quality dental care that you need. Our team is more than happy to assist you in understanding your insurance coverage and advising on your cosmetic dentistry needs.

Call us at (570) 231-3829 to schedule an appointment.

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